With the restrictions to movements brought in by the UK Government on 23 March 2020 due to the current Covid-19 situation, it has been agreed that the parish magazine will be made available to read on the Parish Council website whilst the restrictions are in place:
Click on the date to open that month’s magazine. Once open, it can be downloaded or printed.
Stay up to date with what’s happening around you, the parish magazine covers the parishes of Wolverton, Norton Lindsey and Langley and is currently distributed to 350 houses.
It is published monthly and hand delivered to your door for the bargain price of £5.00 per year.
Advertising in the parish magazine is very reasonable starting at £4 per month with discounts available for a full year’s advertising.
Your contributions to the magazine are always welcome, the deadline for submission is 15th of any calendar month for inclusion in the following month’s magazine.
For more information please email the editor, Karin Elmhirst, on karin.elmhirst@icloud.com.