Norton Lindsey is a village 4 miles west of Warwick and 7 miles north east of Stratford-upon-Avon in the Warwick District of south Warwickshire, within the West Midlands green belt. It lies a quarter of a mile from the A4189 Warwick to Redditch route, 3 miles from M40 junction 15 and 2 miles from the A46 trunk road.

While the majority of the village lies within Norton Lindsey Parish, the village boundary takes in households from the adjacent parishes of Claverdon, Wolverton and Snitterfield.
The character and ethos of Norton Lindsey are manifest in its community spirit. In the absence of a resident lord of the manor, villagers have largely pulled together to enrich and benefit our community life. Writing in 1875, the Rev T. Shurt described the village thus:-
“Sweet Lindsey, loved of all – the rustic’s pride-
Perch’d on the summit and the green hillside
Looks down o’er many a mead and lovely vale
That bare their bosoms to the western gale.
Spread to the view, seen from the churchyard height,
A rich expanse of verdure greets the sight.
No sterile heaths, no barren rocks are seen
But joy and plenty crown the smiling scene.”
These sentiments aptly encapsulate our special, relatively-unspoilt hill-top village, at the core of which stands the oldest building, Holy Trinity Church, embraced by dwellings dating from the 14th and 16th centuries, with a widespread sprinkle of 17th century cottages.

Following the example of past generations of villagers, it is incumbent upon us to nurture our strong community spirit and to safeguard our environment for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.