
Norton Lindsey Parish Council has the power to award grants to local clubs, groups and organisations within the Parish which, in its opinion, directly benefit the Parish or residents of the Parish.

Unless a grant is awarded through a specific statutory power of the Council, the Parish Council awards grants through Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972.  

The Norton Lindsey Parish Council Grant Policy must be read in full before any application is made. The Clerk will be happy to offer informal advice, without commitment, at any time.

Grant applications must be received by 30 November and will be considered at the December ordinary meeting.

All applications for grants must be made by completing the Grant Application Form and returning it by email to, or by post to Jennifer Bendall, Clerk, Norton Lindsey Parish Council, 7 Brick Kiln Close, Norton Lindsey, Warwick, CV35 8DL.

In 2020/2021 Norton Lindsey Parish Council reviewed the grants it made for the maintenance of the Churchyard, Church Clock and the Church Room. As part of this review, it produced a discussion paper that can be viewed here.

Section 137 Grants / Purchases:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
12 December 2023 NL Village HallDonation for defibrillator maintenance£250.00
12 December 2023 Norton Lindsey Community Shop Donation towards the purchase of retailing fixtures, fittings and equipment to enable to Community Shop to remain open£3,000.00

Grants awarded under Discretionary Powers:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
14 March 2023NL Village HallDonation towards the cost of the King’s Coronation celebrations (awarded in the 2022/2023 financial year, but paid in the 2023/2024 financial year)£100.00
12 December 2023 Norton Lindsey PlaygroundDonation towards the running costs of the playground£375.00
12 December 2023Parochial Church CouncilDonation to cover the costs of Church clock servicing£200.00
12 December 2023NL Church RoomDonation towards insurance and electricity costs£250.00
12 December 2023Parochial Church CouncilDonation towards costs of Churchyard maintenance£250.00
10 October 2023Christmas tree / batteries for Christmas lights£225.45
12 December 2023Norton Lindsey Cricket ClubDonation towards the cost of providing an artificial pitch for junior players£2,500.00
12 December 2023Millennium Green maintenance costs£50.00

Section 137 Grants / Purchases:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
11 January 2023NL Village HallDonation for defibrillator maintenance£30.00

Grants awarded under Discretionary Powers:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
11 January 2023Norton Lindsey PlaygroundDonation towards the running costs of the playground£375.00
11 January 2023Parochial Church CouncilDonation to cover the costs of Church clock servicing£185.00
11 January 2023NL Church RoomDonation towards insurance and electricity costs£100.00
11 January 2023Parochial Church CouncilDonation towards costs of Churchyard maintenance£200.00
11 January 2023Christmas tree / batteries for Christmas lights£42.00
11 January 2023Norton Lindsey Community Pub LtdDonation towards the cost of landscaping works around the new community shop and the provision of disabled access to the community garden£3,500.00
11 January 2023Millennium Green maintenance costs£50.00

Grants 2021/22

Section 137 Grants / Purchases:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
9 February 2021 (paid 2021/22 financial year)Blue Plaques to commemorate fallen WW1 and WW2 soldiers who lived in Norton Lindsey£393.53
19 January 2022NL Village HallDonation for defibrillator maintenance£30.00
19 January 2022Wolverton SchoolDonation towards cost of providing a defibrillator at the school£200.00
8 February 2022Norton Lindsey Community PubDonation towards cost of providing a defibrillator at the New Inn£200.00

Grants awarded under Discretionary Powers:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
9 March 2021
(paid 2021/22 financial year)
Seed for rewilding verges£107.50
19 January 2022Norton Lindsey PlaygroundDonation towards the running costs of the playground£350.00
19 January 2022Parochial Church CouncilDonation to cover the costs of Church clock servicing£198.00
19 January 2022NL Church RoomDonation towards insurance and electricity costs£200.00
19 January 2022Parochial Church CouncilDonation towards costs of Churchyard maintenance£250.00
8 December 2020 (agreed when budget for 2021/22 set)Christmas tree / batteries for Christmas lights£49.99

Grants 2020 / 2021

Section 137 Grants / Purchases:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
17 November 2020Christmas Lights (to be retained for future years)£65.78
24 November 2020Sign for Christmas Tree (to be retained for future years)£20.08
9 February 2021Wolverton SchoolPedestrian entrance from playground to new playing field£250.00
9 February 2021NL Village HallDonation for defibrillator maintenance£30.00
9 February 2021NL WIDonation towards costs / bridge funding gap£200.00

Grants awarded under Discretionary Powers:

Date AwardedAwarded ToPurposeAmount
9 February 2021Norton Lindsey PlaygroundDonation towards running costs of playground£350.00
9 February 2021Norton Lindsey & Wolverton Cricket ClubDonation towards costs of junior equipment£200.00
9 February 2021Parochial Church CouncilDonation to cover the costs of servicing the Church Clock£200.00
9 February 2021Norton Lindsey Church RoomDonation towards insurance and electricity costs£100.00
9 February 2021Parochial Church CouncilDonation towards Churchyard maintenance costs£250.00
9 February 2021Norton Lindsey Village HallDonation towards running costs£250.00

Please note that grants for the purchase of permanent metallic plaques to mark the homes where fallen WW1 and WW2 soldiers lived and for seed to re-wild part of the verge on Wolverton Road were approved in the financial year 2021/2021 but will actually be paid in the financial year 2021/2022, along with the honorarium for the maintenance of Millennium Green.