Documents and Policies

Norton Lindsey’s documents and policies are listed below.  The links open pdf files, unless where otherwise stated.

NLPC Action Plan

NLPC Asset Register

NLPC Code of Conduct

NLPC Complaints Procedure

NLPC Document Retention and Disposal Policy

NLPC Emergency Plan – currently under review

NLPC Equality & Diversity Policy

NLPC Financial Regulations currently under review

NLPC Grants Policy and Grants Application Form (this opens a word document)

NLPC Health & Safety Policy

NLPC Information and Data Protection Policy

NLPC Media Policy

NLPC Members’ Register of Interest – this links to the Warwick District Council website

NLPC Parish Report 2022

NLPC Privacy Notice

NLPC Protocol for Holding Remote Meetings

NLPC Protocol for the Recording and Filming of Meetings

NLPC Publication Scheme

NLPC Removable Media Policy

NLPC Risk Assessment – General

NLPC Risk Assessment – Health & Safety

NLPC Scheme of Delegation and Record of Decisions Taken

NLPC Social Media Guidelines and Code of Practice

NLPC Standing Orders

Local Councils Charter   NLPC adopted the Local Councils Charter in October 2016.

Norton Lindsey Housing Needs Survey 2017

Norton Lindsey Housing Needs Survey 2023

Norton Lindsey Parish Plan 2013